LLD for an Online Pharmacy Management and Delivery System
Low Level Design

LLD for an Online Pharmacy Management and Delivery System


Shivam Chauhan

14 days ago

Ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes when you order medicine online? It's a complex system, but breaking it down into a low-level design (LLD) makes it manageable. Let's get started.

Why Does LLD Matter for Online Pharmacies?

When building an online pharmacy system, LLD is crucial for:

  • Scalability: Handling a growing number of users, prescriptions, and deliveries.
  • Maintainability: Making the code easy to understand, modify, and debug.
  • Reliability: Ensuring accurate prescription handling and timely delivery.
  • Security: Protecting sensitive patient data.

I remember when a small pharmacy I consulted with tried to scale without a proper LLD. They faced constant database bottlenecks, delivery scheduling conflicts, and security vulnerabilities. It was a mess. A solid LLD could have saved them a lot of headaches.

Key Components of the System

Let's outline the main components we'll need:

  1. User Management: Handles user accounts, profiles, and authentication.
  2. Prescription Management: Manages prescriptions, validation, and storage.
  3. Inventory Management: Tracks medication stock levels and expiry dates.
  4. Order Management: Processes orders, payments, and delivery scheduling.
  5. Delivery Management: Manages delivery personnel, routes, and tracking.

User Management

This component handles user-related functionality. Key classes include:

  • User: Abstract class for different user types (e.g., Patient, Doctor, Pharmacist, DeliveryPersonnel).
  • Patient: Subclass of User with attributes like medical history and insurance details.
  • Pharmacist: Subclass of User with attributes like license number.
  • AuthenticationService: Handles user authentication and authorization.
// User abstract class
abstract class User {
    private String userId;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String email;
    private String phone;

    public User(String userId, String username, String password, String email, String phone) {
        this.userId = userId;
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.email = email;
        this.phone = phone;

    // Getters and setters

// Patient class
class Patient extends User {
    private String medicalHistory;
    private String insuranceDetails;

    public Patient(String userId, String username, String password, String email, String phone, String medicalHistory, String insuranceDetails) {
        super(userId, username, password, email, phone);
        this.medicalHistory = medicalHistory;
        this.insuranceDetails = insuranceDetails;

    // Getters and setters

// AuthenticationService class
class AuthenticationService {
    public boolean authenticateUser(String username, String password) {
        // Logic to authenticate user
        return true;

    public boolean authorizeUser(User user, String permission) {
        // Logic to authorize user
        return true;

Prescription Management

This manages prescriptions. Key classes:

  • Prescription: Represents a prescription with details like medication, dosage, and doctor's instructions.
  • PrescriptionValidator: Validates prescriptions against predefined rules and regulations.
  • PrescriptionStorage: Stores prescription data (e.g., in a database).
// Prescription class
class Prescription {
    private String prescriptionId;
    private String patientId;
    private String doctorId;
    private String medication;
    private String dosage;
    private String instructions;

    public Prescription(String prescriptionId, String patientId, String doctorId, String medication, String dosage, String instructions) {
        this.prescriptionId = prescriptionId;
        this.patientId = patientId;
        this.doctorId = doctorId;
        this.medication = medication;
        this.dosage = dosage;
        this.instructions = instructions;

    // Getters and setters

// PrescriptionValidator class
class PrescriptionValidator {
    public boolean validatePrescription(Prescription prescription) {
        // Logic to validate prescription
        return true;

// PrescriptionStorage class
class PrescriptionStorage {
    public void storePrescription(Prescription prescription) {
        // Logic to store prescription

Inventory Management

This tracks medication stock. Key classes:

  • Medication: Represents a medication with details like name, dosage, and expiry date.
  • Inventory: Manages the stock levels of medications.
  • ExpiryCheckService: Regularly checks for expired medications.
// Medication class
class Medication {
    private String medicationId;
    private String name;
    private String dosage;
    private Date expiryDate;

    public Medication(String medicationId, String name, String dosage, Date expiryDate) {
        this.medicationId = medicationId;
        this.name = name;
        this.dosage = dosage;
        this.expiryDate = expiryDate;

    // Getters and setters

// Inventory class
class Inventory {
    private Map<String, Integer> stockLevels = new HashMap<>();

    public void addMedication(String medicationId, int quantity) {
        // Logic to add medication to inventory

    public void removeMedication(String medicationId, int quantity) {
        // Logic to remove medication from inventory

    public int getStockLevel(String medicationId) {
        // Logic to get stock level of medication
        return 0;

// ExpiryCheckService class
class ExpiryCheckService {
    public void checkExpiryDates() {
        // Logic to check expiry dates of medications

Order Management

This processes orders. Key classes:

  • Order: Represents an order with details like items, customer, and delivery address.
  • PaymentService: Handles payment processing.
  • OrderProcessor: Processes orders and updates inventory.
// Order class
class Order {
    private String orderId;
    private String patientId;
    private List<String> medicationIds;
    private String deliveryAddress;

    public Order(String orderId, String patientId, List<String> medicationIds, String deliveryAddress) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.patientId = patientId;
        this.medicationIds = medicationIds;
        this.deliveryAddress = deliveryAddress;

    // Getters and setters

// PaymentService class
class PaymentService {
    public boolean processPayment(String orderId, String paymentDetails) {
        // Logic to process payment
        return true;

// OrderProcessor class
class OrderProcessor {
    public void processOrder(Order order) {
        // Logic to process order and update inventory

Delivery Management

This manages deliveries. Key classes:

  • DeliveryPersonnel: Represents a delivery person with details like location and availability.
  • DeliveryRouteOptimizer: Optimizes delivery routes.
  • DeliveryTrackingService: Tracks delivery status.
// DeliveryPersonnel class
class DeliveryPersonnel extends User {
    private String currentLocation;
    private boolean isAvailable;

    public DeliveryPersonnel(String userId, String username, String password, String email, String phone, String currentLocation, boolean isAvailable) {
        super(userId, username, password, email, phone);
        this.currentLocation = currentLocation;
        this.isAvailable = isAvailable;

    // Getters and setters

// DeliveryRouteOptimizer class
class DeliveryRouteOptimizer {
    public List<String> optimizeRoute(List<String> deliveryAddresses) {
        // Logic to optimize delivery route
        return new ArrayList<>();

// DeliveryTrackingService class
class DeliveryTrackingService {
    public String trackDelivery(String orderId) {
        // Logic to track delivery status
        return "";

UML Diagram

Here’s a simplified UML diagram illustrating the relationships between these components:

Drag: Pan canvas

Design Considerations

  • Security: Implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive patient data.
  • Scalability: Use caching, load balancing, and database sharding to handle a large number of requests.
  • Integration: Integrate with third-party services like payment gateways and delivery services.
  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling and logging to identify and resolve issues quickly.


Q: How do I ensure data security in the system? Implement encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.

Q: How do I handle prescription validation? Use a PrescriptionValidator class with predefined rules and regulations.

Q: What strategies can be used to optimize delivery routes? Implement a DeliveryRouteOptimizer class using algorithms like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).

Wrapping Up

Designing an online pharmacy system involves careful planning and attention to detail. By following these guidelines and implementing a well-structured LLD, you can build a robust, scalable, and secure system. If you're looking for more hands-on practice with LLD problems, check out Coudo AI. It's a great platform to sharpen your skills. Remember, the key is to balance functionality with maintainability. That's how you deliver great software, one prescription at a time. \n\n

About the Author


Shivam Chauhan

Sharing insights about system design and coding practices.