Ride-Booking App: Low-Level Architecture with Automated Dispatch
Low Level Design

Ride-Booking App: Low-Level Architecture with Automated Dispatch


Shivam Chauhan

14 days ago

Ever wondered what goes on under the hood of your favorite ride-booking app? I've always been fascinated by the intricate dance of data and algorithms that brings a driver to your doorstep with a simple tap. Let's peel back the layers and explore the low-level architecture of a ride-booking application, focusing on the automated dispatch system. Consider this as your deep dive into making that magic happen.

Why Focus on Low-Level Architecture?

While high-level designs give you the big picture, the low-level details are where the rubber meets the road. It's about designing the classes, methods, and data structures that make the system efficient, scalable, and reliable. Understanding these details is crucial for building a robust application that can handle thousands of concurrent users and drivers.

I remember working on a similar project where we initially overlooked the low-level details of the dispatch algorithm. As the user base grew, the system struggled to find optimal matches, leading to longer wait times and frustrated users. That's when we realized the importance of a well-designed low-level architecture.

Core Components of the System

Before diving into the specifics, let's outline the core components of our ride-booking app:

  • User Service: Handles user authentication, profile management, and payment processing.
  • Driver Service: Manages driver availability, location tracking, and vehicle information.
  • Dispatch Service: Responsible for matching riders with available drivers.
  • Mapping Service: Provides map data, routing, and distance calculation.
  • Notification Service: Sends real-time updates to riders and drivers.

Data Models

Data is the lifeblood of any application, and a well-defined data model is essential for efficient data management. Here are some key data models for our ride-booking app:

  • User: userId, name, email, phone, location, paymentInfo
  • Driver: driverId, name, vehicleInfo, location, availability, rating
  • Ride: rideId, riderId, driverId, startLocation, endLocation, status, estimatedFare, actualFare
  • Location: latitude, longitude, timestamp

The Automated Dispatch System

The dispatch system is the heart of the ride-booking app. Its primary function is to match riders with the most suitable available drivers in real-time. Let's break down the key steps involved:

  1. Request Received: The rider requests a ride from their current location to a destination.
  2. Driver Eligibility: The system filters out drivers who are unavailable, too far away, or don't meet the rider's preferences (e.g., car type).
  3. Distance Calculation: The system calculates the distance and estimated travel time between the rider and each eligible driver using the Mapping Service.
  4. Matching Algorithm: The system uses a matching algorithm to select the best driver based on factors like proximity, driver rating, and estimated arrival time.
  5. Notification: The selected driver is notified of the ride request, and the rider is notified that a driver has been found.
  6. Ride Tracking: Once the driver accepts the ride, the system tracks the driver's location and provides real-time updates to the rider.

Matching Algorithm

A matching algorithm is a critical component of the dispatch system. There are several factors that an engineer need to consider while choosing an algo.

  • Proximity: Prioritize drivers who are closest to the rider.
  • Driver Rating: Consider the driver's rating and prioritize higher-rated drivers.
  • Estimated Arrival Time: Factor in the estimated arrival time and minimize wait times for riders.
  • Fairness: Ensure that all drivers have a fair chance of receiving ride requests.

One common approach is to use a weighted scoring system that assigns different weights to each factor. For example, proximity might have a higher weight than driver rating.

Design Patterns

Design patterns can help you build a more maintainable and scalable system. Here are some design patterns that can be applied to our ride-booking app:

  • Observer Pattern: Used to notify riders and drivers of real-time updates.
  • Strategy Pattern: Used to implement different matching algorithms.
  • Factory Pattern: Used to create different types of notifications (e.g., SMS, push).

Let's look at the Strategy Pattern, which is a behavioural design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, put each of them into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable. This design pattern is useful when you want to switch between algorithms at runtime.

Here's how you can implement the Strategy Pattern for the matching algorithm:

// Strategy interface
interface MatchingStrategy {
    Driver findBestMatch(Rider rider, List<Driver> drivers);

// Concrete strategies
class ProximityMatchingStrategy implements MatchingStrategy {
    public Driver findBestMatch(Rider rider, List<Driver> drivers) {
        // Implementation for finding the closest driver
        return closestDriver;

class RatingMatchingStrategy implements MatchingStrategy {
    public Driver findBestMatch(Rider rider, List<Driver> drivers) {
        // Implementation for finding the highest-rated driver
        return highestRatedDriver;

// Context class
class DispatchService {
    private MatchingStrategy matchingStrategy;

    public void setMatchingStrategy(MatchingStrategy matchingStrategy) {
        this.matchingStrategy = matchingStrategy;

    public Driver findBestMatch(Rider rider, List<Driver> drivers) {
        return matchingStrategy.findBestMatch(rider, drivers);

// Client code
public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DispatchService dispatchService = new DispatchService();
        dispatchService.setMatchingStrategy(new ProximityMatchingStrategy());
        Driver bestMatch = dispatchService.findBestMatch(rider, drivers);

In this example, the MatchingStrategy interface defines the contract for all matching algorithms. Concrete strategies like ProximityMatchingStrategy and RatingMatchingStrategy implement the interface with their own logic. The DispatchService uses the selected strategy to find the best match between a rider and a driver.

Scalability and Performance

Scalability and performance are critical considerations for any ride-booking app. Here are some techniques to ensure the system can handle a large number of concurrent users and drivers:

  • Load Balancing: Distribute traffic across multiple servers to prevent overload.
  • Caching: Cache frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
  • Database Sharding: Partition the database into smaller, more manageable shards.
  • Asynchronous Processing: Use message queues to handle tasks like sending notifications asynchronously.

UML Diagram

Here’s a UML diagram illustrating the relationships between the core components:

Drag: Pan canvas


Q: How does the system handle concurrent ride requests? A: The system uses multithreading and asynchronous processing to handle concurrent requests efficiently. Message queues are used to decouple the request processing from the response.

Q: How is the real-time location of drivers tracked? A: The system uses GPS data from the driver's mobile device to track their location in real-time. This data is stored in a geospatial database for efficient querying.

Q: What happens if no drivers are available? A: The system notifies the rider that no drivers are currently available and provides an estimated wait time. The rider can choose to wait or cancel the request.

Wrapping Up

Building a ride-booking app with automated dispatch is a complex undertaking, but by focusing on the low-level architecture, data models, and algorithms, you can create a system that is efficient, scalable, and reliable. By understanding these concepts, you’re well-equipped to tackle the challenges of building a real-world ride-booking app.

For hands-on practice with similar low-level design problems, check out Coudo AI, where you can test your skills and get feedback on your designs. Remember, the devil is in the details, and mastering the low-level architecture is what separates a good app from a great one. If you want to test your knowledge, then please try this problem


About the Author


Shivam Chauhan

Sharing insights about system design and coding practices.